*blows off dust* cough cough sputter sputter

I was going to put something like emerging from a cocoon, but searching "cartoon cocoon emerge" in Google Images led to a picture of someone with a giant butterfly tattooed on their ass (one wing on each cheek), at which point I fled. And now I predict at least 50% of you will search "cartoon cocoon emerge" in Google Images to see what I'm talking about.
Well, hello there! 'Member me? I'm sure many of you dropped away since I haven't posted in a YEAR. *shame* Some little goofball has been taking up all my time. ;)

Yup, definitely my kid. ;)
It's quite the juggle - baby, full-time job, life. But weezabear just turned one, yay! And she's been sleeping through the night consistently for the past couple of months (I may have wept when she finally did that). And I finally have little bit of time to myself again. And some actual energy in which to do something with it.
So I figured perhaps it was time to start knitting again. But I needed some motivation. Which, of course, requires new yarn. Behold the stash additions!

That would be some Malabrigo Silky Merino, some Malabrigo Worsted, and some Plucky Knitter MCN. Because who could resist Malabrigo and, well, anything with cashmere really.
Now I need something to knit! I've popped into Ravelry now and then, but just to talk about very important things, like Mad Men and Downton Abbey. Aside from this Dr. Who shawl, which I am totally going to knit even though I never wear the shawls I've already knitted, I am completely out of touch with what's out there.
So, few readers who are left, tell me - what has been your favorite pattern in the past year?