Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stash Alert

What's wrong with this picture?

Still haven't figured it out? Here, let me help you:

No, you're not seeing things. My stash is actually, really, truly down to just 18 yarns. Actually, more like 16, since two of those are currently in use.

I can't remember the last time my stash was so low! As you can see, I've been very good with the new acquisition willpower over the past year or so, destashing tons of yarns I no longer needed/wanted and for the most part, only adding yarns when I have a specific project in mind. Even the sock yarn purchases have been very well contained! Perhaps someone should feel my forehead to see if I'm well.

Then again, it could be an interesting challenge - I wonder how low it could go before I crack. Any guesses?


Blogger pendie said...

Surely it can't be much longer before you have a complete meltdown!

6:12 PM  
Blogger Fujiyamamama said...

Whoa! I admire your control!

6:34 PM  
Blogger Brenda said...

I think you should help buoy the yarn economy and buy more yarn.

6:42 PM  
Blogger mooncalf said...

Wow - one day I want to have a stash of about 20 as well. I like having stash but I am trying to get it back under control. You're an inspiration!

4:25 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

That's just a little too scary for me (though I like to have enough stash that I could knit for several months or maybe even a year before needing to buy yarn). I'm betting you don't last much longer.

5:25 AM  
Blogger Jacey said...

Wow, it's impressive and sad, all at once. ;) I bet it won't be too long before you find some pretties that need to come live in your stash. I love all the orange you've got right now.

6:27 AM  
Blogger knottygnome said...

wow impressive! good for you.

i'll be in my corner, wallowing in my comparative lack of self-control.

8:23 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

that's actualyl pretty awesome, in my books! I wish my stash was that low. I don't' even have it on ravelry, because to haul it all out and photograph it would be to admit how much is lurking in drawers, closets, cupboards, under the bed....

8:25 AM  
Anonymous Jeanne said...

That really is amazing - and now I am glad I didn't give into the impulse and buy yarn this morning!

10:03 AM  

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